Friday, October 31, 2014

Good Reads: Feminism, Sexuality, Relationships

You may already have seen the post on HuffPo on which this is based, since it went viral. This is her husband's side of the story. It's about honesty and feelings and love and woundedness, and it is very much worth reading.
  • "My Wife Told Me She Wants To Cheat: Here's How I Feel" (Nige Atkinson, Good Men Project)
I had no idea that it's completely legal to fire people for what they do privately in their sex lives. But apparently it is:
  • "Can You Really Be Fired For Being Kinky? Absolutely." (Jillian Keenan, Slate Outward)
Probably seen this one:
  • "The Problem With That Catcalling Video" (Hanna Rosin, Slate XX
(No, I won't link to the video itself.) But maybe not this one:
  • "What My Wife Taught Me About Street Harrassment" (Damon Young, Good Men Project)
There's other good discussion about that out there, but I forgot to keep the links!

      Thursday, October 30, 2014

      Ta-Nehisi Coates on White Supremacy and a Life of Struggle

      We shouldn't just focus on folks like Frederick Douglass who actually did live to see the end of [slavery]. Many, many more people did not live to see the end of slavery. And yet they resisted and they fought, and they struggled. And so my responsibility, regardless of what my conclusions are, or regardless of what I think is going to happen tomorrow, my responsibility is to resist and is to struggle and is to keep on going. And it doesn’t require, as far as I’m concerned, [me] to believe in ultimate victory. It just requires some amount of loyalty and fealty, frankly, to my ancestors. To people who came before me and struggled.

      It would be absolutely just, like, the highest sort of wrong, a moral betrayal, to retreat to a corner and curl up in a fetal position. Even if I believed there was no hope at all. Resistance, in and of itself—struggle, in and of itself—is rewarding. So that really is it. It just—it opened me up to other possibilities, and I think it just made me fuller as a human being.
      At The Root.

      Wednesday, October 29, 2014

      Women on the Internet, Part 2

        Bunch more articles on this sad story.

        Tuesday, October 28, 2014

        Two Reflections on PGR from Mitchell Aboulafia

        Over at Up@Night:
        • "Leiter Posts Response to Criticism of Rankings—A Response to the Response" (here)
        • "The Dog Ate My (Philosophical Gourmet) Report" (here)
        • "Ten Excuses For Not Filling Out the PGR Survey" (here, and just humor)
        I personally hope lots of people will simply decline to fill out the report, whether they signed the September Statement or not. That is the best way to delegitimize what has become an embarrassment to the profession.

        Also, Leigh M. Johnson has produced a nice timeline of recent events here.

          Monday, October 27, 2014

          A Wonderful, Sad Story About the Shame of Masturbation

          From Julia Boriss, at XOJane:
          When I was eight years old, I stacked two layers of pillows across my bed to keep myself from masturbating. I figured that sleeping atop a pillow fortress would force me to sleep on my back, which would keep my fingers from wandering to my nether regions, which would prevent the soul-crushing shame that befell me every time I gave myself an orgasm.
          I suspect (as she more or less goes on to say) that this affects women more than men. But, having been raised Catholic and in a very sex-negative household, I remember those feelings, too.

          Friday, October 24, 2014

          Saturday, October 18, 2014

          The Threats Against Anita Sarkeesian Expose The Darkest Aspects Of Online Misogyny

          That's the title of an interesting reflection on the latest threats against Anita Sarkeesian, by Maureen Ryan over at HuffPo. (Via Feminist Philosophes.)

          • "Gamergate Trolls Aren't Ethics Crusaders: They're a Hate Group" (Jennifer Allaway, Jezebel
          • "This Is Mysoginist Terrorism" (Melissa McEwan, Shakesville)
          • "The 'Good Name' of Gamergate" (Carolyn Vanseltine, Sibyl Moon Games)
          • "We Must Dissent" (Katherine Cross, Feministing
          • "We Will Force Gaming To Be Free" (Katherine Cross, First Person Scholar)
          • "Gamergate's vicious right-wing swell means there can be no neutral stance" (Jon Stone, The Guardian)
          • "The threats that shut down Anita Sarkeesian’s talk come from someone who seems to be deeply steeped in the misogynstic Men’s Rights subculture" (David Futrelle, We Hunted the Mammoth)
          • "The Top Four Men's Rightsiest things said about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian" (David Futrelle, We Hunted the Mammoth)
          "Because", as McEwan put it, "threats of violence against uppity women [are] just to be expected". And that last one because it's good to remind ourselves just how ridiculous these people are.

          But what's most terrifying about this is that it looks like a glimpse of the future:
          • "The Future Of The Culture Wars Is Here, And It's Gamergate" (Kyle Wagner, Deadspin
          If you read nothing else, read that.

            "In Defense of Formal Relationism" Published

            I am pleased to report that my paper "In Defense of Formal Relationism" has been published in the latest issue of Thought. Here's the abstract:
            In his paper “Flaws of Formal Relationism”, Mahrad Almotahari argues against the sort of response to Frege's Puzzle I have defended elsewhere, which he dubs ‘Formal Relationism’. Almotahari argues that, because of its specifically formal character, this view is vulnerable to objections that cannot be raised against the otherwise similar Semantic Relationism due to Kit Fine. I argue in response that Formal Relationism has neither of the flaws Almotahari claims to identify.
            Links: PhilPapers, Thought, Pre-publication PDF.

            Wednesday, October 15, 2014

            Some Truth About Abortion

            A new book by Katha Pollitt, Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights, is getting a lot of attention in the left-wing press. What Pollitt most wants, it seems, is for us "to talk about ending a pregnancy as a common, even normal, event in the reproductive lives of women". These articles are a start:
            • "Abortion: Not Easy, Not Sorry" (Laurie Abraham, Elle, from Feministe)
            • "Abortion is Great" (Hanna Rosin, Slate Double X
            • "Abortion Without Apology: A Prescription for Getting the Pro-Choice Groove Back" (Lindsay Beyerstein, American Prospect)
            You might also check out:
            • Not Alone, a website where women tell their own stories about their experience with abortion
            • Emily's Abortion Video (yes, it's old, but if you haven't seen it, it's new to you)

            Support Brittany Maynard

            Brittany did an interview with People, and there's a beautiful video of her and her family discussing her illness and her decision.

            There's a nice story about her on the Daily Beast as well.

            Women on the Internet

            The harassment of women online reached truly a staggering level yesterday when a lecture that Anita Sarkeesian was to give at Utah State University had to be cancelled due to a threat to commit "the deadliest school shooting in American history" if it was not. As Amy Roth said at Skepchik, this is "organized, dedicated, on-going, online harassment is terrorism directed at women in an attempt to silence them".

            If you haven't followed this, there are a lot of articles out there. I'll just mention one:
            • "No skin thick enough: The daily harassment of women in the game industry" (Brianna Wu, Polygon)
            • UPDATE: "IT HAPPENED TO ME: I've Been Forced Out Of My Home And Am Living In Constant Fear Because Of Relentless Death Threats From Gamergate" (Brianna Wu, XOJane)
            Wu is a developer herself, and she was forced to leave her house (as Sarkeesian had been earlier) due to threats made against her.

            What's happening with gaming is particularly awful, but it's no treat being an outspoken woman on the internet anyway, as these articles show:
            • "Why Women Aren’t Welcome on the Internet" (Amanda Hess, Pacific Standard)
            • "For Women on the Internet, It Doesn't Get Better" (Samantha Allen, Daily Dot)
            • "But WHAT CAN BE DONE: Dos and Don'ts To Combat Online Sexism" (Leigh Alexander
            • "'Unspeakable Things': The Predictable Sexist Troll Backlash" (Laurie Penny)
            • "Why I Don't Just Go To the Cops" (Rebecca Watson, Skepchick)
            All of this speaks in interesting ways to some of the issues with which we've been dealing around here lately. Pay special attention to the way these women are told to "get over it", that it's "not so bad", that it happens to everyone, etc, etc, etc.

                Tuesday, October 14, 2014

                Good Reads: Sexuality, Gender, and Feminism

                Jessica Valenti celebrates Jennifer Lawrence's public response to the theft of her photos, and a couple more articles on the same topic:
                • "Jennifer Lawrence's Outraged Response to Nude Photo Leak Marks an End to the Era of the 'Shamed Starlet'" (The Guardian, via AlterNet)
                • "Jennifer Lawrence Says Don’t Look At The Pictures" (Thomas MacAulay Millar, Yes Means Yes)
                • "Jennifer Lawrence Does Not Owe Us" (Thomas MacAulay Millar, Yes Means Yes)
                An interesting article on how people respond when their other-sex spouses come out as gay:
                • "How Straight Spouses Cope When Their Partners Come Out" (Christine Grimaldi, Slate Outward)
                More articles on affirmative consent:
                • "Yes Means Yes Culture of Consent Catches On" (Tanya Serisier, Good Men Project)
                • "No, California’s new affirmative consent law will not redefine most sex as rape" (Maya, Feministing
                For people who don't understand what male privilege is:
                • "Why I Refuse To Be One Of `The Good Guys'" (Charlie Glickman, Role Reboot)

                    Thursday, October 9, 2014

                    Good Reads: Sex, Gender, and Feminism

                    Interesting piece on gender identity:
                    • "Appearance, Gender and Why I’m Not 'Cis'" (Ms Naughty)
                    A piece about how differently men and women's sexual functioning is treated by doctors, and then a more personal account of Beismer's journey of recovery:
                    • "On Women Having Sex After Surgery" (Lynn Beismer, Role Reboot)
                    • "How I Learned To Love My Frankengina: Recovering sexual functioning after surgery" (Lynn Beismer)
                    Interesting article on the first amendment issues surrounding "revenge porn":
                    • "Should Revenge Porn Be a Crime?" (Michelle Goldberg, The Nation, via AlterNet)
                    Amusing video:
                    Finally, we have a wonderful article connecting the marriage equality movement to the overthrow of older ideas about marriage as ownership:
                    • "When 'Redefining Marriage' Meant That Women Had To Be Treated Like Human Beings" (Ian Millhiser, Think Progress)
                    The article begins with the following quotation from Sir William Blackstone, in 1765:
                    The very being or legal existence of the woman is suspended during the marriage, or at least is incorporated and consolidated into that of the husband; under whose wing, protection and cover, she performs everything.
                    Indeed, until passage of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, a married woman could not get a credit card in her own name in some states without her husband's permission. Etc, etc, etc.

                    Wednesday, October 8, 2014

                    Bharath Vallabha on "The Function of the Philosophical Gourmet Report"

                    In a discussion over at Feminist Philosophers, Bharath Vallabha made an interesting set of comments about the role that the Philosophical Gourmet Report plays in philosophy. It turns out that there is a longer version, "The Function of the Philosophical Gourmet Report", which Bharath has given me permission to share. Obviously, you should click the link to download it.

                    For those who are not familiar with this sort of analysis, let me emphasize right now that Bharath's essay is not about the intentions of people involved with the Gourmet Report. It is about its function in a different sense: its effect upon the field and the larger social and professional forces that have made it seem so essential.

                    Bharath has also written a piece at Hippo Reads, "Eugene Park Was Right: Academic Philosophy Is Failing Its Cosmopolitan Values". For those who do not know, Park's essay described his reasons for leaving the field, which largely concern its 'homogeneity'. Bharath's essay is a response to a typically derogatory commentary on Park's essay by one Brian Leiter, who more or less manages to prove Park's point while thinking he is refuting it. (Thanks to Feminist Philosophers for the link.)

                    Disclosure: Bharath received his PhD in philosophy from Harvard, and I taught him during the time I was there. I was not on his committee. As is mentioned at the beginning of the Park essay, he too has now left academic philosophy, which is something I personally regard as a serious loss for the field. If we are losing such people, then we are doing something very wrong.

                    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

                    Good Reads: Politics, Sports, General News

                    Some good recent articles on politics, sports, and general news.
                    • "Stewart, Colbert Save the Day: Bill O’Reilly and Fox News’ ISIS Insanity Makes Them More Essential than Ever" (Sophia McClennan, Salon via AlterNet)
                    • "People In England Are Harnessing The ‘Power Locked In Poo’ To Fuel Their Homes" (Emily Atkin, Think Progress)
                    • "The NFL’s Concussion Problem Just Got A Lot Worse" (Michael Kasdan, Good Men Project
                    • "76 of 79 Deceased NFL Players Found to Have Brain Disease" (PBS Frontline
                    I'll post collections of such articles periodically, when I've got a few saved up.

                      Friday, October 3, 2014

                      Good Reads: Sex, Gender, and Feminism

                      Some good recent articles on sex, gender, and feminism:
                      • "Frat Brothers Rape 300% More" (Jessica Valenti, AlterNet)
                      • "Why It Matters That Lena Dunham Wrote About Being Raped In College" (Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress)
                      • "The Smartest Constitutional Argument for Marriage Equality That No One Is Making" (Susannah W. Pollvogt and Catherine E. Smith, Slate Outward)
                      • "Ladies Come First: Why Every Secondary School Needs a Lesson on the Clitoris" (Alice Holloway, Vagenda)
                      • "What Do We Really Mean When We Say Women Are Sexually 'Fluid'?" (Vanessa Vitiello Urquhart, Slate Double X)
                      • "St Louis Study Confirms That  IUDs Are the Key to Lowering Teen Pregnancy Rates" (Amanda Marcotte, Slate XX)
                      • "Please Stop Saying That Trans Women Were 'Born Boys'" (Mari Brighe, Autostraddle)
                      I'll be posting these sorts of lists periodically, once I've collected enough articles.

                      Can You Sign the September Statement If You Object to PGR in Principle?

                      I have had several people write me now to explain that they can't sign the "September Statement" because doing so would be implicitly to endorse PGR. This is the weirdest flipside ever of Leiter's insistence that the true agenda of the authors of the September Statement is to destroy PGR.

                      The worry seems to be focused on two sentences near the end of the Statement:
                      We are only declining to volunteer our services to the PGR while it is under the control of Brian Leiter. With a different leadership structure, the benefits of the guide might be achieved without detriment to our colleague.
                      Some people seem to think that these statements contain some sort of implicature that, if PGR were not under Leiter's control, we'd all be on board. Or, as John Protevi has now said publicly, that there are (net) "benefits" to PGR that could better be achieved without Leiter as leader.

                      This is just wrong. In the remarks quoted, the authors of the September Statement (of whom I am not one) are simply trying to make it clear that they are not targeting the PGR as such. That is, the purpose of the remarks is to forestall the predictable response from Leiter (which we have, of course, heard, and to which I will not link) that this is just another group of party line right-wing feminazi continentalist PGR-haters trying to destroy what he has so selflessly offered the field.

                      The point, that is to say, is that this particular effort targets PGR only because and in so far and so long as Brian Leiter is its editor, not because of general objections to it. That does not imply that there aren't general objections to it, nor that the signatories do not have such objections—which, as is well known, I do.

                      Look: It is patently absurd to suppose that the authors of the Statement meant to exclude people from signing who have general objections to rankings! To the contrary: What they are trying to do is make it possible for people who do not have such objections to sign. (I'd have thought it was equally absurd to suppose that anyone would think that those of us who have signed have thereby expressed our enthusiasm for rankings, but I guess I've just been surprised.)

                      So I disagree with Protevi: The last sentence quoted above does not beg the question whether PGR has (net) benefits. The sentence in question should be read:
                      With a different leadership structure, the benefits of the guide, such as they are (and we are not taking a stand on that), might be achieved without detriment to our colleague.
                      Nothing in the Statement turns on any other reading, so the charitable reading is the one just indicated (as Daniel Elstein has also said).

                      With all due respect, I therefore have to disagree with Jessica Wilson, too:
                      ...[I]t is a major distraction to take the upshot of [Leiter's misbehavior] to be that Leiter should step down from the PGR, since in so doing the deeper crisis affecting our profession—the fact of and destructive impact of implicit bias—will remain unaddressed and moreover be perpetuated. The problem with the PGR is not Leiter, but the associated ranking system, which is tailor-made to encourage and encode implicit bias.
                      Yes, yes, but no. This just misunderstands the goal of this effort. Wilson writes as if the goal were to solve a "problem with the PGR": to improve it by getting Leiter to step down. But that too is just wrong. The goal is to deprive Leiter of one major source of the power that he has been abusing. The fact that, in doing so, we do not also address the role that PGR plays in propagating implicit bias is, so far as I can see, not relevant.

                      Which is not to say that addressing that other issue isn't important. Of course it is. But I simply do not see how trying to put an end to a long-standing pattern of behavior that Wilson herself characterizes as "seriously injurious" can possibly be dismissed as a "distraction" from the problem of implicit bias.

                      Do Protevi, Wilson, et alia, really want to help Leiter split the opposition? Because that is what they are doing.

                      UPDATE (10/4): Jonahtan Jenkins Ichikawa has explained the thinking behind the language mentioned above in a comment at Feminist Philosophers. Jonathan writes: "The intention was that the statement be explicitly neutral on what attitudes signatories might have toward other possible versions of the PGR. So I can confirm with what I think is some authority...that the language was never intended to imply that a Leiter-free PGR would be better than no PGR at all." He goes on the concede, however, "...that in our efforts to avoid giving the impression that the September Statement represented an anti-PGR stance, we may have inadvertently chosen wording that is suggestive of the opposite...".

                      Wednesday, October 1, 2014

                      Two Great Pieces on California's New Affirmative Consent Law

                      A couple days ago, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new law in California establishing "yes means yes" as the standard by which sexual consent must be judged by colleges in California, rather than "no means no". Feminists, and other decent people, too, have been pushing for this sort of change for years, and it is important. Symbolically, it recognizes in the law that women are sexual agents and subjects of desire, not just passive objects of male sexual desire whose only choice point is to say "NO!!"

                      Here are two excellent articles about the new law:
                      That last site, Yes Means Yes, is devoted to "affirmative consent", and Thomas has written a ton on this topic. He also wrote a terrific piece, "Towards a Performance Model of Sex", in the Yes Means Yes book that I highly recommend. (The rest of the book is terrific, too.)

                      The alternative against which he argues is a "commodity" or "transactional" model of sex in which women have something men want; the man's goal is to get the woman to give it to him; and the woman's goal is to make sure she gets something (e.g., emotional connection, a call in the morning, a wedding ring) in return. It's easy enough to see (and Thomas and others spell it out, if you can't see it) how that sort of model reinforces rape culture. It's also easy to see how deeply the commodity model is embedded in American attitudes about sex. See here and here for connections to "purity pledges", and of course Jessica Valenti's book The Purity Myth.

                      But maybe the coolest thing on this topic is this video by Canadian sex educator Karen C. B. Chan, which compares sex to a jam session.