Sunday, August 2, 2015

Reading Frege's Grundgesetze: Now in Paperback

My book Reading Frege's Grundgesetze has just been published in paperback in Europe. It is due out in paper in the US around 1 October. (Links are to OUP websites.)

My other book, Frege's Theorem, has been out in paper for some time now. These were never terribly expensive (as such things go), but they are cheaper now.

Reviews of Reading Frege's Grundgesetze

With the publication of Philip Ebert's review in Phlosophia Mathematica, there are now four reviews out of my last book, Reading Frege's Grundgesetze:
Thanks to Philip, Gregory, Oran, and Marcus for doing these.

If anyone knows of one I have missed, please do let me know.