To create a new ssh key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "COMMENT"To change the passphrase on a key:
ssh-keygen -p -f KEYFILE [-P OLDPASS] [-N NEWPASS]There's a nice guide to this sort of thing here.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "COMMENT"To change the passphrase on a key:
ssh-keygen -p -f KEYFILE [-P OLDPASS] [-N NEWPASS]There's a nice guide to this sort of thing here.
openssl enc -des -a -e -pass pass:PASSWORD -in INFILE -out OUTFILEIf you leave out INFILE or OUTFILE, it defaults to stdin and stdout. So you can do:
echo "This is a secret" | openssl enc -des -a -e -pass pass:PASSWORDand the encrypted version will be written to the terminal.
openssl enc -des -a -d -pass pass:PASSWORD -in ENCRYPTED -out DECRTYPEDOr, again:
echo "U2FsdGVkX1+Kqcs+25e+6MiQBr4NT8ykx3POhv9yAf9gnvSn4D2L0A==" | openssl enc -des -a -d -pass pass:PASSWORDAnd again you'll get the decrypted version written to the terminal.
Let’s talk about [Bradley] Cooper and [screenwriter Jason] Hall, and the culture industry that recycles propagandistic fiction under the guise of a “true story.” And let’s focus our anger and our organizing against the authorities and the institutions that craft the lies that the Chris Kyles of the world believe, that have created a trail of blowback leading from dumb war to dumb war, and that have sent 2.5 million veterans to fight a “war on terror” that persists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Pakistan.
The PROSE Awards annually recognize the very best in professional and scholarly publishing by bringing attention to distinguished books, journals, and electronic content in over 40 categories. Judged by peer publishers, librarians, and medical professionals since 1976, the PROSE Awards are extraordinary for their breadth and depth.This is a wonderful recognition for what has quickly become, IMHO, an excellent journal. Congratulations are due especially to Crispin and to the other to editors: Carrie Jenkins and John Divers.
Now, in my dreams, I don't foresee a society that is gender-blind, but I do foresee one that is gender-creative. Where people can figure out who they are and be themselves, exploring what that means, and in that they'll be supported. Where questioning one's gender won't be shunned, but an expectation. And where realizing that you don't fit into this gender mold won't lead to isolation and depression, but will be a source of celebration. And above all a society where people, regardless of their gender formation, are safe.It's sad one even has to mention that last bit, but Amen to all of it.