Sunday, November 13, 2022

How To Set Up a Raspberry Pi as a Squeezebox Client

  1. Download and install Raspbian OS onto a Micro SD card, and boot the system as normal
  2. Install squeezelite: sudo apt-get install squeezelite
  3. The squeezelite configuration file is at /etc/default/squeezelite. There are two things that need to be set:
    1. The name of this device, at it will appear in SqueezeCenter. This is the SL_NAME variable.
    2. The output device to use. This will depend upon whether you want to use USB or have some third-party board (e.g., the HiFiBerry DigiPro). To list available devices, do: squeezeplay -l. One you have identified the output device, specify it via the SL_SOUNDCARD variable.
  4. Make sure squeezelite is set to start on boot.
  5. Reboot the system, and everything ought to work just fine now.

One other thing you may want to do is enable ssh access. You will briefly need a monitor and keyboard to do this the easy way. After we've enable ssh, we can run the thing 'headless'.

From a terminal, just run raspi-config and follow the various prompts, etc.

If you don't want to look the Pi up to a monitor, etc, then see this page for how to enable ssh without one. Basically, all you have to do is put an empty file ssh into the /boot directory, via touch /boot/ssh. You can do that when flashing the OS onto the card, if you think ahead.