- Download and install Raspbian OS onto a Micro SD card, and boot the system as normal
- Install squeezelite: sudo apt-get install squeezelite
- The squeezelite configuration file is at /etc/default/squeezelite. There are two things that need to be set:
- The name of this device, at it will appear in SqueezeCenter. This is the SL_NAME variable.
- The output device to use. This will depend upon whether you want to use USB or have some third-party board (e.g., the HiFiBerry DigiPro). To list available devices, do: squeezeplay -l. One you have identified the output device, specify it via the SL_SOUNDCARD variable.
- Make sure squeezelite is set to start on boot.
- Reboot the system, and everything ought to work just fine now.
One other thing you may want to do is enable ssh access. You will briefly need a monitor and keyboard to do this the easy way. After we've enable ssh, we can run the thing 'headless'.
From a terminal, just run raspi-config and follow the various prompts, etc.
If you don't want to look the Pi up to a monitor, etc, then see this page for how to enable ssh without one. Basically, all you have to do is put an empty file ssh into the /boot directory, via touch /boot/ssh. You can do that when flashing the OS onto the card, if you think ahead.